Pitches & Submissions

Thanks for your interest in contributing to Far Out Midwest!

Our articles are generally short (usually less than 400 words), and we seek creativity more than anything. News about upcoming tours or art exhibitions, interviews with artists, and photo galleries of music festivals are all great examples of the content we’re looking for.

Again, we’re just looking for creative news and journalism. The finishing touches, such as adding images and formatting can be done by our editors.

Please note that we’re not able to respond to all emails individually. If we’re interested in your submission, we will usually get back to you within a week. If something is truly time-sensitive and you need a rapid response, please note that in the subject line.

Please use the following online form to submit your story idea to our team.

For artist features or photography gallery submissions, more information can be found here

All other requests should be directed to this form.

Your Name*

Your Email*

State (for pitch/submission)*


What's the story about in a nutshell? *

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